What an external consultant provides

Asesoramiento Externo en Corporate Finance

    Given the complexity and uniqueness of Corporate Finance operations, the presence of an external advisor provides great advantages:
  • Support the definition and selection of objectives that will maximize value creation both for companies and shareholders.
  • The external nature of the advisor ensures the necessary independence and the absence of conflicts of interest when considering strategic alternatives and selecting the one that suits best the objectives defined according to the customer´s interests.
  • The continued work of the advisor in this type of operations allows to provide the necessary experience which the client often lacks.
  • The involvement of the external advisor in negotiations eliminates most of the friction points that could arise between buyer and seller.
  • The normal course of business is not affected, as the management can maintain its focus in managing the business.
  • The creation of value for the customer and the achievement of goals. The retribution is mainly based on the success of the operation.